Cloud Management

  Your future-proof foundation of business agility.

Moving to the cloud is an ongoing opportunity to optimize your technology environment for specific business outcomes.

We take an application-centric approach to cloud management—building control, monitoring and automation into the parts of your business that drive the most value.

The result is simple but incredibly powerful: the freedom to make choices and take actions that your cloud environment effortlessly adapts to.

Learn more on the Cloudbusting podcast: Managed Services: The Next Generation.

Do things better.

The first big milestone of every cloud journey is when your critical applications effortlessly optimize towards the performance, scale and efficiency each moment requires.

We help you accelerate towards that point as quickly and strategically as possible—application by application, workload by workload.

It means the capabilities you provide to your workforce—and the experiences you provide to customers—always tend towards the best outcomes for everyone.

What Are Hear the 3 lessons learned from Cloudreach’s journey to SRE-ific.

Then do better things.

The way you manage, monitor and adapt your technology environment to optimize business outcomes fundamentally dictates your ability to innovate. That’s why the ultimate goal of cloud management isn’t operational hygiene—it’s competitive advantage.

Mature cloud management infuses business agility across the whole organization. In practice, the lead time between strategic intent and technology response all but disappears—you can develop faster, scale instantly and iterate constantly.

Understanding the cost of your cloud and how to optimize your spend.

Wherever you are in your cloud journey, we can help you build a strategy for your cloud transformation.

  What we're thinking

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Cloud Is Inevitable

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Cloudxcel helped Company reduce their AWS bill by 66%

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The Cost Optimization Journey